Well-loved Priests Leave a Legacy

Father Bill Crowley

Father Bill Crowley

Father John O'Sullivan

Father John O'Sullivan

Father Arnie Miller

Father Arnie Miller

Father Bill Crowley, Father Arnie Miller, and Father John O’Sullivan, all tirelessly served the Church while they lived. These well-loved priests not only pastored parishes, but they committed their time and talents to numerous charities and missions. After each of them passed away, Catholics of Idaho mourned these holy men who were known for their kindness and loving leadership. But did you know that they continue to serve us even in death?

These three priests gave a 124 years combined, but none of them felt their work would be done after their deaths. By including the Diocese of Boise in their estate planning, their bequests continue to bless the Catholic community of Idaho. Their sacrificial love and service remain examples to us all.

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